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Media: development and regulatory requirements

Authors: Bernd Holznagel, Dieter Dörr and Doris Hildebrand

The media landscape is changing radically. In the past, telecommunications, broadcasting and Internet industries used to operate independently. Today, these industries have merged. Due to the triumph of the Internet Protocol, services, whether based on language, data or videos can nowadays be transferred on all technical platforms and networks in the form of packages. This book shows how this merger is going to affect the legislative environment.

This book not only provides a comprehensive survey of the German market for electronic media but also an overview of the existing regulatory framework. Furthermore, the central scenarios for the future of the media markets are designed with respect to the future development of the media landscape in times of the digitalization and the integration of the media, services and the transmission networks.

The authors present very concrete and practical solutions to make the necessary changes to the regulatory framework including partial proposals for the relevant provisions of the forthcoming 12th Broadcasting Treaty Amendment. Both the requirements of European law and the regulations of German constitutional law are considered.

This book is of particular interest to media researchers, media lawyers, executives and lawyers in media companies.

Paperback: 586 pages
Publisher: Vahlen;
1st edition (1. Juli 2008)
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3800635739
ISBN-13: 978-3800635733

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