Hieronder vindt u enkele bijdragen van onze economen:
Integration of public interest objectives into the competition rules post-Lisbon: The German Facebook saga
Competition Law Journal Concurrences Nr. 2-2021, 2021
The equality and social fairness objectives in EU competition law: The European school of thought
Competition Law Journal Concurrences Nr. 1-2017, 2017
The emergence of the European School (en)
Competition Law Journal Concurrences Nr. 2-2012, 2012
The European School in Merger Proceedings (en)
More Pros and Cons of Merger Control S.12-60, 2012
Wer gewinnt? - Zum Methodenstreit beim Drei-Stufen-Test (de)
epd medien Nr. 79, 2009
Refined economic approach in European State Aid Control - Will it gain momentum? (en)
World Competition Volume 30, 2007
Using conjoint analysis for market definition (en)
World Competition - Law and Economics Review 2006
Der "more economic based approach" in der Wettbewerbspolitik (de)
Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb WuW 51, 2005